About the company

We, the expats

Where you are today, we were a total 23 times.
That’s how many times we have relocated: alone, with newborns or school age kids.
From Corporate Lawyers to Project Managers. We have the knowledge and expertise.

In business since 2009,
We’ve mastered the Parisian way of doing things while offering you more American customer service.

We, the expats.

Where you are today, we were a total 23 times.
That’s how many times we have relocated: alone, with newborns or school age kids.
From Corporate Lawyers to Project Managers. We have the knowledge and expertise.

In business since 2009,
We’ve mastered the Parisian way of doing things while offering you more American customer service.

Highest standards.

So what is it exactly?

Strong position in France

What is SNPRM?

SNPRM is a French Union that represents relocation experts in France.
They make sure we are visible and heard whenever important decisions related to expats and relocations are made.
We meet monthly for discussion panels, to speak about the current French relocation market conditions.
Often important stakeholders, like government organisations, banks or law makers are invited and together we discuss and decide on the top matters in our industry.

Why does it matter to you?
Thanks to our membership with SNPRM we guarantee that all our team is always up-to-date with latest French regulations.
The large network and fellowship allows us to help you not only in Paris but all of France.

Find us on SNPRM website

Highest standards.
So what is it exactly?

Strong position in France

What is SNPRM?

SNPRM is a French Union that represents relocation experts in France.
They make sure we are visible and heard whenever important decisions related to expats and relocations are made.
We meet monthly for discussion panels, to speak about the current French relocation market conditions.
Often important stakeholders, like government organisations, banks or law makers are invited and together we discuss and decide on the top matters in our industry.

Why does it matter to you?
Thanks to our membership with SNPRM we guarantee that all our team is always up-to-date with latest French regulations.
The large network and fellowship allows us to help you not only in Paris but all of France.

Find us on SNPRM website

Would you like to become one of our team?

Please send us a few words about you and how you would like to contribute. We’ll get back to you.

Would you like to become one of our team?

Please send us a few words about you and how you would like to contribute. We’ll get back to you.